Non Modified Cellulose Ether
Category:Coating Additives
Non Modified Cellulose Ether
To improve the workability properties of Portland cement and gypsum based dry mortars, such as plaster, render, tile adhesive and EIFS mortar.
Non Modified Cellulose Ether could also be able to provide good workability, stable air content and good water retention for the mortars. If there are a “R” , it means a surface treatment that allows for retardant dissolving.If better workability or good anti-slip is necessary, Non Modified Cellulose Ether can be combined with other additives.
*R means retardant dissolve
** PP means 0.108mm sieving is max 5%.
** Test condition is 2% solution on dry basis, Brookfield RVT, 20rpm, 20℃
Non Modified Cellulose Ether is non-perishable product. It is recommended to use the products in rotating on a first in first out basis. The products should be stored under dry and clean conditions in its original packaging and away from heat.The products are hydroscopic. The packaging is selected in a way to avoid ingress of moisture, but the water content of the packed product will / may increase if not stored dry.
Product safety
According to the EU legislation on dangerous substances and preparations, Non Modified Cellulose Ether is not hazardous. Further data on the safety aspects of Non Modified Cellulose Ether types are given in the Safety Data Sheets.
Customer notice and Disclaimer
The products and related information provided by MT are for manufacturing use only. MT makes no express, implied, or other representation, warranty, or guarantee concerning (I) the handling, use, or application of such products, whether alone, in combination with other products, or otherwise, (II) the completeness, definitiveness, or adequacy of such information for user’s or other purpose, (III) the quality of such products, except that such products are of MT’s standard quality. Users are advised to make their own tests to determine the safety and suitability of each such product combination for their own purpose. Read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before using this product. MT does not recommend any use of its products that would violate ant patent or other rights.