Kanamycin Monosulphate CAS 25389-94-0

Molecular Formula: C18H36N4O11,H2SO4,H2O Molecular Weight: 601 CAS No.: 25389-94-0 It is mainly used in respiratory and urinary tract infections caused by most Gram-negative bacteria and some dru...


Molecular Formula: C18H36N4O11,H2SO4,H2O

Molecular Weight: 601

CAS No.: 25389-94-0

It is mainly used in respiratory and urinary tract infections caused by most Gram-negative bacteria and some drug-resistant staphylococcus aureus.


This product is white or off white powder; Odorless; It is hygroscopic.


1. It has special effects on pericarditis, perihepatic inflammation and peritonitis caused by poultry Escherichia coli and duck serositis.

2. It mainly treats intestinal infection, diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli, Salmonella, pasteurella and coccidia.

3. It mainly treats yellow and white diarrhea of piglets.

Packing and Storage

Preserve in tight container. If the substance is sterile, store in a sterile, tamper-proof container.

Minimum Order

One package


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