Folic Acid
Molecular Formula: C19H19N7O6
Molecular Weight: 441.40
CAS No.: 59-30-3
Product name:
Folic Acid
It also known as vitamin B9 and vitamin M, is one of the B vitamins. Folic acid is an essential substance for human body to use sugar and amino acids, and is an essential substance for cell growth and reproduction.
It occurs as yellow or yellow-brownish, or yellowish-orange, colorless, crystalline powder. It is insoluble in acetone, in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether, but dissolves in solutions of alkali hydroxides and carbonates.
It also known as vitamin B9 and vitamin M, is one of the B vitamins. Folic acid is an essential substance for human body to use sugar and amino acids, and is an essential substance for cell growth and reproduction.
The effects of folic acid on organisms are as follows:
-Participate in the metabolism of genetic material and protein
-Affect animal reproduction
-Affect the secretion of animal pancreas
-Promote the growth of animals
-Improve the body’s immunity
Possible causes of folic acid deficiency include inadequate intake, increased requirements, intestinal malabsorption, vitamin C deficiency, use of folic acid antagonists, liver disease, etc.
It plays an important role in the division and growth of cells and the synthesis of nucleic acids, amino acids and proteins. Lack of folic acid in the body can lead to abnormal red blood cells, an increase in immature cells, anemia, and a decrease in white blood cells.
It is an indispensable nutrient for fetal growth and development. Lack of folic acid in pregnant women may lead to low birth weight, cleft lip and palate, heart defects, etc. If the lack of folic acid in the first three months of pregnancy, it can cause defects in fetal neural tube development and lead to malformations.
Yellow or yellow-brownish, or yellowish-orange, colorless, crystalline powder.
UV absorption: The ratio A256/A365 is between 2.80 and 3.00.
Residue on ignition
Residual solvent
No solvent is used or produced in the manufacture of the product.
Related compounds
Total impurities ≤2.0%
25kg/drum or as per requirement.
Preserve in well-closed, light-resistant containers.