Chloramphenicol CAS 56-75-7

Molecular Formula: C11H12Cl2N2O5 Molecular Weight : 323.1 CAS No.: 56-75-7 It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic produced by Streptomyces chloride, which can inhibit bacterial growth Description It is ...


Molecular Formula: C11H12Cl2N2O5

Molecular Weight : 323.1

CAS No.: 56-75-7

It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic produced by Streptomyces chloride, which can inhibit bacterial growth


It is white or yellowish needle or sheet crystal, odorless, extremely bitter, slightly soluble in water, ether and chloroform, easily soluble in methanol, alcohol, acetone or ethyl acetate, insoluble in benzene and petroleum ether.


It is used to treat infections caused by typhoid bacillus, dysentery bacillus, Escherichia coli, influenza bacillus, Brucella, pneumococcus, etc


25kg/bag or as per customer’s requirements.


Preserve in tight and light-resistant containers. If the substance is sterile, store in asterile, airtight, tamper-proof container.

Minimum Order

One package


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